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can banking be treated as an industry yes or no

can banking be treated as an industry yes or no 

When a car is moving slowly, it uses a lot less energy than when it is moving quickly. In a similar way, when a car is going at a constant, low speed, it uses a lot less energy than when it is moving at a constant, high speed. This is because when an object moves, it uses energy to overcome the resistance of the air molecules colliding with its moving surface. This is why when you drive your car at a constant speed, you don’t use as much energy as when you drive at a constant high speed.

When it comes to banking, the answer is a resounding yes. Banking is an industry, and as such, it is subject to the laws of the industry. Because energy is required to move a given volume of money from Point A to Point B, the more money that is being moved, the more energy is required. This is why, when the economy slows down, it is the banking industry that suffers the most.
can banking be treated as an industry yes or no

When was the last time you saw a commercial for a new home mortgage? When was the last time you saw a commercial for a new car loan? When was the last time you saw a commercial for a new credit card? When was the last time you saw a commercial for a new student loan?
When a car is moving forward, its energy comes from the fuel that was used to create the vehicle and the energy used to move it. When a car is moving in reverse, its energy comes from the fuel that was used to create the vehicle and the energy required to move it. This is why some people refer to the banking industry as an industry, since it is a collection of companies and organizations that create money and move it around. However, in order to move money from one place to another, we must first record the digital history of where the money came from and where it is going.
When a bank is moving, it is doing something. It is converting energy into currency, which is then used to create still more money. This is an industry, just like any other industry. In the same way that a car is an industry when it consumes energy, a bank is an industry when it consumes currency.

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